Before the internet, California residents building estate portfolios likely did not discuss digital assets. In fact, most people would probably wonder what they are. Nowadays, however, the majority of people in this state and throughout the country are tapped into an...
Month: May 2017
How’s your child doing emotionally since your divorce?
Most California parents want what's best for their children, even if it means they sometimes must make decisions that don't make their children particularly happy. If you're a parent who recently divorced, you likely have first-hand experience with this type of...
Avoid these estate planning issues when getting affairs in order
Many California residents want to be as prepared as possible when it comes to their own deaths. Surprisingly, however, some fail to consider the importance of careful estate planning when it comes to protecting their interests and providing for their loved ones. When...
Child custody modification doesn’t modify your parental rights
Like many others in California, you probably consider raising your children one of your greatest achievements. Also like most parents, even though times are not always easy, you try to overcome any obstacles that arise and always want what's best for your kids. If...
The ABCs of good estate planning
Sometimes life can get rather complicated. Most California residents, especially those raising families, would agree. In many situations, however, such as where estate planning is concerned, there are several tangible steps that can be taken to keep things organized...
Now you see it, now you don’t: Beware hidden assets in divorce
No two marriages are exactly the same. Yours might have been similar to others in California where you and your spouse shared everything 50/50 down to your very last penny. Other married couples prefer to retain financial independence from each other, even going so...
Did Jon Gosselin inherit a propensity to divorce?
Many California residents who divorce first experienced the process in childhood or young adult life when their own parents severed marital ties. This leads some to believe a propensity toward divorce may exist in some families. There are those who say it's mere...
Estate planning may bring peace of mind
Considering what will become of one's property, assets and/or business interests after death is something not every California resident likes to do. In fact, some people don't even like to broach such topics. Others understand how valuable the estate planning process...
What would make a 90-year-old man file for divorce?
It may seem safe to assume that if one is still married after many years at age 90, chances are the union will last a lifetime. Nevertheless, one can never be sure. The divorce rate among those who are age 50 and older has apparently skyrocketed in recent years. Some...
Extenuating circumstances regarding a divorce in another state
Many California residents have been following news updates regarding a young girl's sudden disappearance, and her subsequent rescue after it was learned she was kidnapped. Parents who hear things like this often want to hold their children a little closer and protect...