The holidays are often a time for families in California and elsewhere around the country to get together for visits, meals and other functions. Even couples that are struggling may try to tough things out through the festivities for the sake of their children or other family members. In fact, statistics confirm that the divorce rate rises in the month of January, following the holiday season.
The Institute for Family Studies reported that, while the divorce rate was the lowest of the year in December, the highest rate was in January. According to family experts, many couples put aside some of their negative feelings for one another to keep things as normal as possible throughout the season. Often, however, the celebrations themselves highlight the problems within the relationships, and the spouses are then ready to move forward with the divorce.
The divorce rate for some states has been decreasing over the past several years. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that between 40 and 50 percent of marriages end in divorce. Regardless of what time of the year it is, many experts stress the importance of a couple discussing their relationship goals when considering a divorce.
The divorce process can be complex and seem overwhelming. A California divorce lawyer would be instrumental in helping someone thoroughly understand the process and know how best to proceed. An experienced attorney will work tirelessly with clients to protect their best interests for now as well as for the future. A lawyer will strive to achieve the best possible outcome in the divorce proceedings for their clients.
Source:, “Research: Divorces tend to spike in January“, Brianna Owczarzak, Jonathan Jackson, Jan. 2, 2018