If you are thinking of getting married, there are likely any number of issues you and your beloved are trying to resolve ahead of time. For instance, will you both work outside the home? Will you live in California or someplace else? And, another question many couples today ask is: Will you sign a prenuptial agreement at a family law office?
The latter evokes various reactions. Some think it unromantic to sign a contract with a person one claims to love and wants to spend an entire life with as a spouse. Others understand the many benefits of a prenuptial agreement, and some even say they were extremely glad to have signed one when unexpected circumstances later arose in their marriages.
There are many reasons for drafting a prenup, some which pertain to protection of personal assets and others that have to do with children you and your future spouse hope to have together someday. It’s no secret the main purpose of a prenuptial agreement concerns divorce, which is why many couples hesitate to sign one as though doing so signifies their lack of hope for a lasting marriage. The fact is no one can predict the future, and it’s often better to be prepared than completely blindsided by negative surprises.
McCoy Fatula APC is a California family law office committed to helping you in all aspects of your family journey, from signing a prenuptial agreement to adoption or child custody, should the need arise. If you have questions regarding prenups or divorce laws in this state, you may access the contact form located on our website to seek answers. Entering a contract now may help you prevent a lot of stress later and perhaps give you a sense of peace as you plan a successful, happy future with the one you love.