Many children in California are brought up in homes with only one parent due to divorce. In fact, it’s not uncommon for former spouses to face various family law issues, including child custody and child support concerns. No two situations are exactly the same, but studies show children typically fare best when they have ample amounts of time with both parents after divorce.
Because of this, many people are advocating changes in the laws of their states to encourage courts to rule in favor of shared child custody arrangements more often. More than 30 states have already implemented such guidelines. Those who support more shared custody say there is evidence that troubled teens mostly come from single parent homes. In fact, data suggests that as much as 90 percent of teenage runaways and nearly as many high school dropouts come from homes with only one parent.
Consequently, studies also show that healthy, well-adjusted teens who show little signs of adverse physical and/or emotional problems in life are often the same ones who have been raised with both parents. Some states, however, still have what many consider antiquated guidelines that lean heavily toward sole custody rulings. These types of decisions are frowned upon by those who see them as pitting one parent against the other in win/lose situations.
Family law problems may be difficult to resolve if parents are not in agreement about what is best for their children after divorce. This is why many people in California have relied on experienced representation rather than going it alone in court. An attorney can help prioritize issues and pursue a fair and agreeable outcome.
Source:, “More balanced child custody proposed“, Feb. 19, 2017