How to avoid financial burdens of divorce during the holidays

On Behalf of | Dec 7, 2016 | Divorce

Many parents in California lament December as a month that drains their pocketbooks. For those who have recently gone through divorce, financial strains may be especially challenging. Those in such circumstances may want to consider the following ideas when making plans for a more financially stable future.

It may help to simplify the gift-giving process if the holidays arrive just after a marital split. Homemade gifts can be just as nice, and children will likely appreciate efforts to save money and secure financial stability in the long run. Besides, many believe sharing time as a family is even more special than material gifts.

If a parent depended on a former spouse’s income during the marriage, the weeks and months after divorce may be particularly challenging. Even if one is quick to obtain employment, income may not be equal to or greater than that which was provided by a former spouse. A good way to overcome such obstacles is to face up to the situation head-on and resolve to begin building a strong financial plan for oneself and one’s children.

Switching to cash-only purchasing (if one has not already done so) is also a good idea for those currently going through divorce (or anyone, for that matter). Generally speaking, the less bought on credit, the better. Incidentally, a California family law attorney  is not just able to help when it comes to issues regarding custody or visitation, but can offer valuable counsel regarding strategies that may help one accomplish financial goals in connection with divorce as well.

Source:, “Financially recover from divorce with this expert advice”, Kevin Gallegos, Accessed on Dec. 6, 2016

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