Alleged bomber involved in family law battle

On Behalf of | Oct 6, 2016 | Family Law

News went viral after a recent suspected terror attack in a state far east of California. The man accused of bombing several areas was also apparently involved in a recent family law situation. It seems the mother of his child has been battling against him for full custody.

A judge recently awarded the woman the full custody she sought. However, she had also submitted an emergency request to the court to be permitted to legally change her child’s name. That request was denied.

Another request was also denied. The child’s mother asked the court to forbid any media personnel to have contact with her child. The judge hearing the request stated that even if the court wanted to, it does not have the authority to do so.

Records indicate that at the time the woman sought full custody of her child, the man accused of bombing New York and New Jersey locations had violated an existing restraining order that prohibited him from having contact with her. Reportedly, he was also delinquent in child support payments. The 28-year-old man survived being shot by police during an altercation in the street related to the bombing incidents.

The man has not only lost full custody of his child in the recent family law situation, but also faces formal charges at both state and federal levels. One of those charges includes the use of mass destruction weapons. It is understandable that a mother would want to protect her child if the child’s father was accused of serious crimes, like attempted murder and other unlawful acts that could pose serious danger to the child. A California attorney would be able to advise any concerned parent struggling to obtain full custody in potentially dangerous situations.

Source:, “Woman wins child custody fight with bomb suspect“, Jeff Pillets, Sept. 21, 2016

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