Some say these signs mean you will eventually divorce

On Behalf of | Sep 30, 2016 | Divorce

Many married couples in California face various challenges in maintaining healthy, successful relationships. However, some say there are certain red flags that may foretell divorce. In the aftermath of some recent Hollywood couple break-ups, a psychotherapist has listed several areas that may signify a relationship has hit rock bottom.

Reportedly, a majority of marital problems pertain to ongoing issues that couples have been unable to resolve. In other words, most problems do not arise suddenly or unexpectedly. What may be most crucial to a relationship is how couples treat one another when addressing repeat issues.

Negative attitudes between spouses is another apparent red flag that sends the message loud and clear that trouble is brewing. If nagging, bickering and criticism are on the rise, discussions of divorce may not be far behind. Not all couples facing such problems choose to end their marriages. However, those who do often have need of experienced legal guidance in the process.

Being able to compromise and work together is often key toward achieving an agreeable outcome. A divorce is seldom easy, especially when children are involved. Anyone in California in need of assistance to resolve problems pertaining to divorce may seek support from an experienced attorney. When a parent is concerned with protecting his or her children’s best interests, allowing a skilled negotiator to act on his or her behalf can be very beneficial. No two situations are exactly alike, but with sound counsel and effective representation, each person may be better able to address particular issues in ways that promote swift and amicable solutions.

Source:, “7 signs you’re headed for divorce, according to a relationship expert“, Kristine Thomason, Sept. 27, 2016

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