Not all marriages last a lifetime. Divorce is seldom easy, and in families with children, parents may face challenges regarding how to help their children adjust to new lifestyles when their lives are shared in separate households. Many California parents have sought guidance from divorce coaches or other counselors before making important decisions regarding these and other topics.
Timing and approach are often crucial toward helping children adapt to their parents’ marital break-up. Many advisers say one of the most important things a parent can do is assure the kids that the divorce is not their fault. Some suggest waiting until school is out for the summer to help make transitions easier, especially if there will be relocation involved that necessitates starting a new school the following year.
Parents are cautioned to avoid overburdening their children with adult information. By acting alongside experienced representation and guidance, a parent may be better able to determine just how involved a child should be in the divorce process. Since problems may arise regarding custody, visitation and child support, discussing such matters with a seasoned attorney before going to court may help a concerned parent in addressing understandably stressful situations.
Regardless of the particular details surrounding a divorce, children typically fare best when encouraged to maintain ongoing, healthy relationships with both parents afterward, so long as no mitigating circumstances exist that may affect such a plan. Any California parent with questions regarding children and divorce can contact a family law attorney for guidance. As an advocate, an attorney can help a parent protect children’s best interests and forge a path toward a successful future.