Imagine that you suffer a horrible injury or medical condition that prevents you from functioning like you have your whole life. How would your financial matters and personal responsibilities be handled? Or what if you had a child, but you and your spouse passed away unexpectedly. How would your child be cared for? What if you are responsible for taking care of someone — but you unexpectedly are disabled or unable to fulfill your duties?
These are difficult situations to imagine, as well as being difficult questions to confront. But they are situations that arise every day to people across the country, and they highlight the importance of guardianships and conservatorships. Many people don’t consider these two facets of estate planning. And then the moment strikes, and they (or their beneficiaries) wish they utilized a guardian or conservator.
A guardian does a lot for someone. They can help you with healthcare, as well as help you with basic needs and responsibilities, such as running errands, helping with food, keeping your home clean, and other basic needs. A conservator, on the other hand, makes critical decisions about your financial situation and your medical needs.
No matter who you are, you can’t predict what will happen tomorrow, next week, or 10 years from now. It is imperative to at least consider a guardian or conservator to ensure your estate is protected and that your heirs, beneficiaries and family members are taken care of if you are incapacitated or pass away. If you live in Sacramento, California and are interested in these critical parts of an estate plan, please consider McCoy Fatula.