Becoming a stepparent is normally not easy, at least not at first. There are a lot of adjustments to make. Families in California these days can consist of his and hers or hers and hers or his and his, and according to statistics, couples with stepchildren are more likely to walk the divorce path yet again. But there are ways to avoid becoming another statistic.
There are many challenges facing blended families. There may be a lot of extenuating circumstances embroiled in the mix such as hard feelings with former spouses, jealousy among kids, parenting styles that differ vastly and financial stress. The good news is that with a little patience and flexibility, most hurdles can be cleared.
Families with stepchildren might benefit from speaking with a family therapist to iron out especially sore spots. Forming a positive relationship with stepchildren can’t be forced. It may be slow going, but as long as there are boundaries on how individuals are treated, problems are likely to dissipate over time. There is a lot of adjusting to do for everyone involved.
Family law in California provides much information on how to positively move forward as a blended family to avoid another divorce. A lawyer may be able to provide a light at the end of what seems to be a long tunnel. With the proper information in hand, the blending of families might become less frenzied and over time each family member will become more comfortable in his or her place in the family unit.