Jon and Kate Gosselin face new child custody battle

On Behalf of | Sep 21, 2017 | Child Custody

Many California residents are familiar with the reality television show “Jon & Kate Plus 8.” While the show is no longer on the air, the stars continue to make headlines. The show centered on a couple who welcomed sextuplets into their home, along with their older twin daughters. As the show went on, viewers were exposed to increasing tension between the husband and wife, who eventually divorced. Now, the couple may be headed back to court to argue for a change in child custody.

Recent tensions are partially the result of an altercation that took place at one of their children’s orthodontist appointments. After the appointment, the parents began arguing over who would transport the child home. Witnesses captured video of Kate Gosselin attempting to pull her teenage daughter out of her father’s car. Police were called, and an ambulance also arrived at the scene.

This is not the first time that the authorities have been called in to address strife between these parents. According to some reports, Jon Gosselin has decided to take the matter back before a court to ask for a custody modification. A woman he is currently dating has set up a GoFundMe page to ask for assistance in paying his legal fees. After 10 days, the site had only brought in $2,400.

As this matter moves forward, California residents will likely learn more about the child custody struggles facing this unconventional family. Both parents have actively sought the spotlight in the past, and made a living by placing their family on display on a reality television show. As the sextuplets enter their teenage years, it is hoped that they will be afforded a greater measure of privacy.  

Source:, “Jon Gosselin GoFundMe page created by girlfriend for custody battle legal fees“, Sept. 13, 2017

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