Carefully choosing executor part of thorough estate planning

On Behalf of | Mar 16, 2017 | Estate Planning

Everyone dies; it’s a fact of life. Many California residents want to be as prepared as possible for such events insofar as protecting their interests and leaving instructions as to whom should inherit their assets after they’re gone. Thorough estate planning is beneficial in many ways. The process is highly customizable, but a common aspect involves choosing an executor to a will.

It’s often considered an honor, albeit a solemn responsibility, to be chosen as an executor for someone’s will. The title obligates the holder to perform various duties that may be quite complicated, depending on the situation. Before choosing an executor, it’s important to consider the types of things this person will be doing on an estate owner’s behalf in order to choose someone who is up to the task.

An executor typically petitions the probate court for permission to carry out his or her duties to execute a particular will. One of the most important duties is to inform any and all beneficiaries of their interests in an estate. An executor also contacts appropriate parties to collect any outstanding insurance payments, salaries or benefits due an estate.

The estate planning process is often less stressful if undertaken alongside experienced guidance. One might consider contacting a California attorney whose practice focuses on probate and estate administration issues. In addition to seeking answers to any questions regarding executors, an estate owner can obtain guidance for other aspects of the process, including trusts, advanced medical directives and/or designation of caretakers for children.

Source:, “Tips for executors.”, Accessed on March 15, 2017

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