Navigating the family law process for child adoption

On Behalf of | Feb 17, 2017 | Family Law

Many California couples hope to expand their families by welcoming children by adoption. Those going through this family law process for the first time might have many questions regarding various regulations, fees and other issues. There are basically two types of adoption: private and public. It often helps to access outside resources when determining which is best in a particular situation.

In a private adoption, a representative acts as an intermediary between the prospective adoptive parents and a government agency. In a public adoption, however, the agency representative has direct contact with those hoping to adopt a child. Typically, the agent will make several visits to the home of those wanting to adopt to assess their ability to provide a safe and nurturing home environment.

Some say one of the greatest benefits of private adoption is that full payment upfront is usually not required. The cost of child adoption varies, but generally ranges between $10,000 and $30,000. The U.S. government offers a child adoption tax credit that has helped many adoptive parents offset their expenses.

California couples planning to adopt will likely also discuss whether to welcome infants or older children into their families. These factors also tend to impact cost, timing and other crucial issues. To simplify the child adoption process and be able to make as informed decisions as possible, it is often beneficial to rely on an experienced family law attorney for guidance. As a personal legal advocate, an attorney can clarify all laws and regulations governing the matter, and is also prepared to overcome any obstacles that arise as the process unfolds.

Source:, “How much does it cost to adopt a child?“, Cheryl Knight, Accessed on Feb. 16, 2017

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