Family law resources for California parents who divorce

On Behalf of | Dec 27, 2016 | Family Law

Forging an amicable parenting alliance after divorce is often quite challenging. Many in California choose to co-parent, yet they find it difficult to create an agreeable plan. Relationship issues and communication breakdowns may make for a stressful experience, prompting a concerned parent to seek family law assistance if a particular problem is not able to be resolved.

Although the court is typically of the opinion that children should have equal amounts of time with both parents (unless extenuating circumstances suggest this would not be in their best interest) a contentious history may make the teamwork necessary to succeed in this type of agreement very difficult. Many people can barely have a civil conversation with their former spouses, much less frequently interact and cooperate in a close-knitted parenting arrangement. Parents who are able to keep their children’s best interests at heart are often able to overcome such obstacles by focusing on the family aspect of the situation.

When children witness their parents as cooperative partners, willing to overlook personal issues to do what is best for their sakes, they gain confidence and learn valuable problem-solving skills. Practicing deep breathing techniques, relaxed posture and focused thinking are tools many divorced parents use to keep stress levels low and prevent emotional outbursts. In addition, most family counselors agree it is never wise to speak negatively about a former spouse in the presence of one’s children.

If frequent communication with a former spouse proves too difficult, assistance may be sought by contacting a California family law attorney. It is often helpful to allow a skilled negotiator to speak on one’s behalf. Any matter that is unable to be resolved through peaceable negotiation may litigated in court.

Source:, “Co-Parenting Tips for Divorced Parents: Making Joint Custody Work After a Separation or Divorce“, Accessed on Dec. 23, 2016

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