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Singer says Jolie is being nasty to Brad Pitt in divorce

On Behalf of | Oct 4, 2016 | Divorce

Hollywood stars have personal friends and acquaintances just like non-famous folks. Many in California might agree that all-too-often, the personal lives of actors, singers and other superstars become too closely intertwined with their professional persona. In situations of divorce, like that of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, this can lead to some difficult challenges, especially when one spouse is making serious allegations against the other.

Most fans of the former couple have by now heard that Jolie has reportedly accused Pitt of child abuse. Another star, singer Melissa Etheridge, recently came forward to defend Pitt’s good character, saying there is no way she would ever believe such a thing about her long-time friend. She also said she has a long history of seeing Jolie act in not nice ways to others, including Jolie’s former beau, Billy Bob Thorton and his fiancee at the time, Laura Dern.

Etheridge stated that although she has not seen Pitt in about 10 years, she and many of his other friends hope to reconnect with him. She also said she finds it very unfair when people falsely accuse others in order to gain the upper-hand in a divorce. Whether this is what has occurred in the Pitt/Jolie situation has not yet been determined.

All persons in California and beyond, famous or not, have the right to seek support to preserve their good reputations both on personal and professional levels when former spouses attempt to tarnish their good standings in their communities. Many divorce issues are highly emotionally charged, especially when children are involved. To avoid contentious situations and angry outbursts, it is often wise to act alongside experienced representation in all matters of negotiation and court proceedings.

Source:, “Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Divorce and Abuse Allegations: Celebrities Take Sides as Melissa Etheridge Defends Brad“, Ven Lanyon, Oct. 4, 2016

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