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Estate planning info for California horse owners

On Behalf of | Jul 13, 2016 | Estate Planning

Many people avoid discussions having to do with their own mortality. Others realize the importance of thorough estate planning and clarifying instructions regarding who will inherit possessions. California horse owners, in particular, may want to consider the following ideas when making plans to provide for the future care of their equines.

Leaving inexperienced people in charge of deciding what will happen to horses after an estate owner’s death may result in the poor placement of horses. Preparing a plan that documents intentions regarding one’s horses is often crucial to ensure that they are cared for appropriately. It can be difficult to find proper homes for retired horses, or those with special needs, and such matters are often best addressed by an owner who understands a particular horse’s needs.

Thus, formulating a thorough plan ahead of time and naming a responsible person to make decisions when the time comes are key factors to providing for the future of one’s horses after an owner dies. Some horse owners elect to have their animals sold privately or through public auction after their deaths. An experienced estate planning attorney would be able to help an individual horse owner create a customized plan that clarifies specific intentions and best suits a particular situation.

In addition to including what will happen to one’s horses after an owner’s death, careful estate planning also typically involves instructions regarding personal belongings, business transitions and the transferring of land. The intentions and desires of each estate owner vary. Anyone in California in need of estate planning guidance may contact a probate and estate administration attorney for assistance. 

Source:, “Estate Planning Tips for Horse Owners“, Erica Larson, July 12, 2016

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